How to Maximise your Google Shopping Listing Performance

Google Shopping Ads is one of the key ways of increasing your sales and reaching more customers, and Google goes to great lengths to optimise what ad is shown to each potential customer. In this article we will look at what we can do to maximise the performance of your Product Listings once they are displayed to a potential customer.

By Oscar Mărginean - Co-founder & Tech Mage at Shelf Wizard. Has been spending his time figuring out how to make software do things so you won't have to.

July 30, 2024

What is a Product listing

At its core, a Google Shopping ad comprises four key elements: the product image, title, price, and shipping details. While the ad's appearance may vary slightly depending on the size of screen it's viewed on, these elements remain consistent across all versions.

Initially, the Shopping Ads are collapsed and become visible only when the user interacts with them by sliding the ad carousel. On desktop, these ads expand to a larger version when hovered over. What this means is that most users will actually only see the collapsed version of our product listing, so in order to attract attention we need to make the first impression count!

A side-by-side comparison of all Google Shopping Ads states for mobile and desktop in their collapsed and expanded state.

Typically, you only see between 30-70 characters of the full title «Wizard’s Wand - Willow, 14”, Unicorn Hair core - includes carrying case»

When the ad first appears in its collapsed state, it provides minimal information: the product image, the first 30 characters of the title, pricing and shipping details, the store name, and the product rating. If applicable, it may also highlight an ongoing sale. So, how can we maximise our performance?

The product image

The product image, added in the feed as the image_link field, in a Google Shopping ad is crucial as it’s the first element that catches a potential customer’s eye. Here’s how to ensure your product images are optimised for maximum impact:

1. High Resolution and Quality

  • Clarity: Ensure the image is clear and sharp without any blurriness.

  • Resolution: Use high-resolution images (minimum 800 x 800 pixels) to ensure the product looks professional and appealing, even on large screens.

  • Format: JPEG is preferred for products with many colours, while PNG is better for items with fewer colours or transparent backgrounds.

  • Good Lighting: Use well-lit images to accurately represent the product's colour and details.

2. Clean Background

  • White or Neutral Background: A white or neutral background helps the product stand out and looks clean and professional.

  • No Distracting Elements: Avoid any background distractions that could take attention away from the product.

3. No Promotional Text or Watermarks

  • Avoid Overlays: Do not include any promotional text, watermarks, or logos on the image as Google’s policies prohibit these and they can lead to ad disapproval.

  • Focus on the Product: Ensure the product is the focal point of the image without any distracting text or graphics.

The Product Title

The product title in a Google Shopping ad is crucial for both search relevance and user engagement. Here’s how to structure and optimise your product titles effectively:

1. Include Essential Information

  • Brand Name: Start with the brand name to capture brand-loyal customers and improve search relevance.

  • Product Type: Clearly state what the product is.

  • Key Attributes: Include key attributes such as colour, size, material, model number, or other important features.

  • Additional Details: Add any other relevant information like quantity, intended use, or special features.

2. Follow a Consistent Format

Use a standardised format for all product titles to maintain consistency and professionalism. A common structure is:

Brand + Product Type + Key Attributes + Additional Details

3. Use Relevant Keywords

Incorporate relevant keywords naturally into your titles. Avoid keyword stuffing and focus on terms that customers are likely to use when searching for your product. Do not include promotional language or symbols like “Free Shipping” or “Best Deal” in your titles. Google’s policies prohibit such content, and it can lead to ad disapproval.

4. Keep Titles Within Character Limits

Google Shopping allows up to 150 characters for product titles, but the most critical information should appear at the beginning. Google suggests that most users will only see the first 70 characters of the title, but in reality only the first 30 characters are visible in the collapsed state and on mobile it doesn't go above 50 characters even in the expanded state of the Product Listing.

Product pricing

Pricing and shipping cost information in Google Shopping ads is a critical element that can significantly influence a customer's decision to click on your ad and make a purchase. Here are some best practices for displaying pricing information effectively:

1. Accuracy and Consistency

  • Up-to-Date Pricing: Ensure that the prices in your product feed are current and match the prices on your landing pages. Google checks for consistency, and discrepancies can lead to your ads being disapproved.

  • Dynamic Pricing: If you use dynamic pricing based on demand or inventory levels, make sure your product feed updates frequently to reflect these changes.

2. Clear and Transparent

  • Visible Pricing: Display the full price, including any taxes or additional fees if applicable. This transparency helps build trust with potential customers.

  • No Hidden Costs: Avoid any hidden charges that could surprise the customer at checkout, as this can lead to cart abandonment.

  • Make sure to provide accurate shipping costs: If you have a policy which provides free shipping over a certain price, make sure that if the item is below that price the shipping costs are accurately reflected in the shipping field in the feed.

3. Use the sale price field to highlight sales

  • Inform Customers: If the product is on sale, use the sale_price field in the Google Shopping Feed. Google can display a “sale” label and a strike-through price, which can attract more clicks.

  • Regular Updates: Keep your feed updated with any price changes to take advantage of this feature.

A comparison between a Google Shopping Ad without a discount vs the same ad with a discount.

Prominently displaying discounts is likely to increase the conversion rate.

4. Currency Consistency

  • Correct Currency: Make sure the pricing is displayed in the correct currency for the target market. Incorrect currency display can confuse customers and reduce the likelihood of a sale.

  • Localisation: Localise your prices for different regions to cater to international customers, if applicable.

5. Highlight Price Per Unit

  • Unit Pricing: For products sold in quantities (e.g., per liter, per kilogram), include the unit price. This is especially useful for customers comparing bulk or packaged products.

  • Clarity: Ensure the unit price is clear and easily understandable.

  • Sometimes it is required: In certain EU countries, unit pricing is mandatory.

The Product Rating

Product ratings in Google Shopping ads are an essential feature that can influence purchasing decisions. These ratings help customers quickly gauge the quality and popularity of a product based on the experiences of other buyers. Google aggregates product ratings from multiple sources to ensure comprehensive and accurate ratings. These sources include:

  • Merchant Reviews: Reviews collected directly from your website. Find out how to submit your ratings here:

  • Third-Party Review Aggregators: Reviews from trusted third-party review platforms.

  • Google Customer Reviews: Reviews collected through the Google Customer Reviews program.

  • Google Shopping Reviews: Reviews left directly on Google Shopping.

A side-by-side comparison of the same Google Shopping Ad without and with star ratings.

Social proof such as product ratings increase trust in the product listing and can lead to increased conversion rates.

How does Google match the score to your Product Listing?

Google uses the data provided in your feed to match your product listing with its extensive information database. In addition to the product title, product identifiers are crucial for linking your product listing with Google's information:

  • Barcode (GTIN): The barcode number is the most reliable way to ensure that Google displays review scores if they are available. The GTIN is globally unique, which helps Google connect all relevant information about a specific product.

  • Brand & Manufacturer Part Number (MPN): When the barcode information is unavailable, Google can still effectively match reviews to your product listing using the brand and MPN. These identifiers help Google associate your product with its review data even without a barcode.


In the competitive landscape of Google Shopping ads, each element of your product listing plays a pivotal role in driving engagement and conversions. The product image, title, pricing, and rating are all integral components that work together to make a strong impression and attract potential buyers.

  • Product Image: A high-quality, clear image with a clean background can capture attention and convey professionalism. Ensure your images meet Google's standards to avoid ad disapproval and stand out in a crowded marketplace.

  • Product Title: Craft concise, informative, and keyword-rich titles that align with user search queries. A well-structured title helps improve search relevance and ensures that critical information is visible, especially within the constraints of the ad’s collapsed view.

  • Pricing Information: Accurate and transparent pricing, along with clear shipping costs, builds trust and encourages clicks. Use features like sale price fields to highlight promotions and keep your pricing consistent with your landing pages.

  • Product Rating: Ratings provide social proof and influence purchasing decisions. Ensure your product's ratings are accurately reflected by maintaining up-to-date product identifiers and submitting reviews from trusted sources.

By optimising these elements, you can enhance the visibility and appeal of your Google Shopping ads, ultimately driving more traffic to your listings and improving your overall performance. Focus on presenting accurate, compelling information to make a memorable first impression and convert clicks into sales.

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