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Comparison Shopping that simply works

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Save up to 20% on your ad spend.

Get the full bang for your buck!

Team up with Shelf Wizard to save up to 20% on your Google Shopping ad spend to help increase your ROAS to make your business that much more competitive.

Push the boundaries of your store.

What's in a country name?

Shelf Wizard is a Comparison Shopping Service that helps you sell your products throughout Europe. We help sell your products where your customers are!

Zero Downtime. Zero Hassle.

Did someone say "magic"?

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Switch your Merchant Center Account
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€29* / domain / month
* excluding VAT
  • Save up to 20% on Google Shopping Ads
  • Target all CSS countries at no extra cost
  • No-downtime migration from your existing CSS
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volume based
  • Included: Webshop features
  • Premium Customer Support
  • Bulk discounts
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Frequently Asked Questions

Google’s Comparison Shopping Service is a certification programme that includes in-depth training to help businesses, like yours, to make the most out of Google Shopping Ads. Shelf Wizard is a Comparison Shopping Service (CSS) that has been selected into this program due to the earned technical knowledge, campaign strategy and product feed management.

We connect your Google Merchant Center account to Shelf Wizard's Multi-Client Account. Have no fear, your Ads will show the same as before. The only change will be with 'By Shelf Wizard' at the bottom. With this change, your campaign bids could lower by 20%. For added exposure, your products will show on our CSS site at

For shoppers searching for your products, Google Shopping ads operate through our CSS mostly the same way. The only difference is that if a potential customer clicks on the Shelf Wizard section of the ad, they will be taken to our CSS website with the product search term they used. A click anywhere else on the ad will direct them straight to your product page on your website.

Shelf Wizard helps webshops throughout Europe by using powerful data feed management and optimization strategies. Your ad campaigns will maximise their ROI and save, overall, on Google Shopping.

Everyone has a different operating budget with Google Shopping Ads. That being said, when it comes to our CSS pricing model, we keep it simple. Our fixed monthly fee of €29 per domain offers a simple and clear pricing model. With our competitively priced service, we bet you will make back this investment with the 20% savings reduction on your Google Shopping Ads spend.

Contact us today to learn more.

A product feed is the list of products that you carry on your site with different attributes describing them. These attributes contain anything from the colour, manufacturer, material and the size of each product. For more information about specific attributes required by Google for your product feed, please check out Google’s product data specifications.

Let us know that you do not have a product feed and we can help create one with you. For more information about specific attributes required by Google for your product feed, please check out Google's product data specifications.